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A blocked drain can be costly if not fixed quickly and efficiently. Instead of getting better, they usually get worse over time. Plus, you don’t want to deal with backed up water and foul odours in your sinks and bathtub.

Restore Right Plumbing & Leak Detection will perform a detailed assessment to determine the source of the problem before using the latest technology to remove any blockages. We offer our efficient blocked drain cleaning services.

It’s important to handle any blockage as quickly as possible.


Unfortunately, many homeowners brush off early warning signs, not connecting them to a bigger problem or risk. The longer blocked drains are left untreated the more congested and unhealthy they become. Identifying the signs of a blocked drain can lead to faster, fuss-free cleaning.

Here are the most common signs your drains are blocked :

Drain blockages and stagnant water create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. As a blockage rots it will release a foul odour that you will probably notice before any visual clues.
Water pushing up from your drain is a problem. Even if it’s slow to build and drains away shortly after, it will get worse with time.
If your drains are gurgling or glugging as water goes down it indicates there is air getting trapped. This happens when water backs up against a blockage, making a pocket of air deeper in the pipe that pulls and causes noise.
A blocked drain will cause water in showers and sinks to drain sluggishly. Act as soon as the water starts to pool rather than waiting until you have a bath at your feet when you shower.


Different blockages require different clearing tools and techniques. While it’s not always easy to assess, understanding what is stopping water flow is a big factor in a fast and effective solution.
Tiny cracks in underground pipes invite hair-thin roots inside. As roots grow they can completely block your sewage lines, causing pipe damage as well as health issues. You will need a plumber to remove the roots and repair the broken pipe sections with speciality equipment.
The only thing you can flush (apart from human waste) is toilet paper. Nappies, wipes – including ‘flushable wipes’ and feminine hygiene products are not suitable for drains and will cause blockages.
Toilet bowls are big rain openings so it’s very easy for dropped items (or items thrown in by children) to disappear into the pipe network and become lodged in the U-bend.
It’s common for many homeowners to dispose of cooking oil, fats and grease down the drain. Unfortunately, grease and oils clump and congeal, sticking to the pipe lining and causing other food and waste to become stuck in a gooey mess.
Food scraps, tea leaves and coffee grits escaping down your drain don’t look big but once in the pipe they clump together and create a hard mass that’s difficult to remove.
Tap water has naturally occurring and introduced minerals that aren’t pipe friendly. Minerals can coat the inside lining over time, narrowing the pipe and making it more susceptible to blockages.
Residue from bars of soap can accumulate behind drains, especially if there is tangled hair or dental floss for it to cling to.
Hair sheds, especially during a wash. Long hair becomes tangled in drain openings very easily but short hair, pet hair and hair shavings can also congest with conditioners and soap residue to form a blockage deeper inside your drain.
Garden debris is the usual problem for outdoor drains and patios. Gutter guards can help but even then soil, leaves and twigs can be washed into drains in stormy weather.
Cat litter is designed to clump and uses materials that are impossible to flush. The absorbent nature and density make it a nightmare for drains. All cat litter, no matter its type, needs to be thrown out, not flushed.


Our plumbers carry all the equipment to unblock drains in efficiently, and check to ensure the blockage won’t return.

Our innovative CCTV system eliminates unnecessary excavation while determining the exact cause of the drain blockage.

The specially designed cameras allow us to inspect your pipes easily, reducing the amount of time and effort required to locate and eliminate the problem.

This innovative technology has the ability to unclog even the toughest of drain blockage. Jet blasting unclogs hard to clear drains by using a high pressure water system to flush debris from the pipes, eliminating the problem and reducing the risk of blockages in the future.

Using a radio transmitter to locate pipes on your property minimizes excavation and avoids the need for excessive digging.

Emergency Plumbing & Leak offers affordable, timely and effective blocked drains cleaning services. Call us now to make a booking.